129 research outputs found

    The Specifics of the Sport Product and Their Implications within the Marketing Activity

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    In the economic sense, the term of sport product describes the sport good or service, offered to the consumer in order to satisfy his need for sport, be it spectator, viewer, active participant or sponsor. The sport product has a series of unique features that differentiate it significantly from the products corresponding to other fields of activity. The present article is presenting those features, starting with the ones corresponding to sport as a human activity, then going to the particularities of the sport consumer behavior and finishing with the characteristics of sport as part of the services sector. For each specific feature there are a series of recommendations for the marketing activity in order to better adapt the offer to the needs and demand of the sport consumer.Sport product, marketing activity, sport consumer behavior, social integration, competition


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    Energy management refers to all activities aimed to improve the effectiveness of the production, transport, distribution and use of energy. On the supply side of the chain, the number of actors is relatively limited, and either the competitive pressure or the regulation of natural monopolies leads to increased efficiency. On the demand, side the number of actors is enormous (all consumers, from large industries to households). Therefore, specific policies for improving energy efficiency have to be put în place. And those policies strongly interfere with environmental and social policies. The role of institutions and particularly of the public administration is very important and should lead by example. At the same time, given the potential overlaps, it is important to ensure that the public institutions involved have well defined functions and liaise with each other în a way to exploit synergies. Various ministries, agencies, local authorities, NGOs are involved and sometimes do what other public actors should do, and not enough of what they realy should do. Even în countries with over twenty years of experience în this field, there is a need to improve the performance of public administration, to reform the functions and ways of operation of the various institutions. The current paper will present approaches of public authorities to energy efficiency în various EU countries and identify key success factors for securing effective policy development and implementation.energy management, energy efficiency, public administration, institutional reform.

    The economic crisis – implications on methods and instruments used in quality of life studies

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    Since many of the factors influencing quality of life have both a transnational and a national dimension, in the last four years quality of life studies consider also the influence of the economic crisis on that phenomenon. Quality of life dimensions are analyzed from the perspective of economic indicators evolution during the crisis years, but also in terms of individual perception on quality of life in the present context of the market. This article highlights the changes in the quality of life studies due to the influence of the economic crisis. The analysis is made at the level of the research objectives, measurement indicators, methods of analysis and research methodology. The main consequence of the economic crisis for the quality of life studies refers to the fact that they are designed such that they respond better to the market new requirements for economic recovery, as well as to the individual needs of well-being

    Computer-Assisted Electroanatomical Guidance for Cardiac Electrophysiology Procedures

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    Cardiac arrhythmias are serious life-threatening episodes affecting both the aging population and younger patients with pre-existing heart conditions. One of the most effective therapeutic procedures is the minimally-invasive catheter-driven endovascular electrophysiology study, whereby electrical potentials and activation patterns in the affected cardiac chambers are measured and subsequent ablation of arrhythmogenic tissue is performed. Despite emerging technologies such as electroanatomical mapping and remote intraoperative navigation systems for improved catheter manipulation and stability, successful ablation of arrhythmias is still highly-dependent on the operator’s skills and experience. This thesis proposes a framework towards standardisation in the electroanatomical mapping and ablation planning by merging knowledge transfer from previous cases and patient-specific data. In particular, contributions towards four different procedural aspects were made: optimal electroanatomical mapping, arrhythmia path computation, catheter tip stability analysis, and ablation simulation and optimisation. In order to improve the intraoperative electroanatomical map, anatomical areas of high mapping interest were proposed, as learned from previous electrophysiology studies. Subsequently, the arrhythmic wave propagation on the endocardial surface and potential ablation points were computed. The ablation planning is further enhanced, firstly by the analysis of the catheter tip stability and the probability of slippage at sparse locations on the endocardium and, secondly, by the simulation of the ablation result from the computation of convolutional matrices which model mathematically the ablation process. The methods proposed by this thesis were validated on data from patients with complex congenital heart disease, who present unusual cardiac anatomy and consequently atypical arrhythmias. The proposed methods also build a generic framework for computer guidance of electrophysiology, with results showing complementary information that can be easily integrated into the clinical workflow.Open Acces

    Principii teoretice in dezvoltarea si implementarea chestionarelor ca instrumente de sondare a pietei

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    Ne aflam intr-o era informationala, in care luarea deciziilor se bazeaza pe numarul si acuratetea informatiilor detinute, astfel ca lipsa acestora sau obtinerea unor informatii incorecte poate duce la implementarea unor decizii strategice eronate cu repercusiuni majore asupra activitatii viitoare a organizatiei pe piata. Astfel ca, in proiectarea unei cercetarii trebuie sa se tina cont intotdeauna de instrumentul de culegere a informatiilor, in cazul unui sondaj, acest instrument purtand denumirea de chestionar. Acest articol incearca o prezentare succinta a celor mai importante reguli privind construirea unui chestionar, accentul punandu-se pe ordinea intrebarilor din chestionar.sondaj, chestionar, proiectarea intrebarilor, ordinea intrebarilor, survey, questionnaire, questions design, questions order

    Evolutia conceptului de calitate a vietii si implicatiile acesteia asupra strategiei de marketing a companiilor

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    Definirea conceptului de calitate a vietii are multe variante in literatura de specialitate, plecand de la o definitie generala pana la una care prezinta conceptul prin intermediul componentelor sale sau al ariilor de aplicabilitate. Calitatea vietii este definita de specialistii din aria marketingului in principal prin intermediul relatiei care se construieste intre satisfactia consumatorului si bunastarea acestuia. Prin intermediul acestei lucrari se incearca identificarea influentelor pe care evolutia calitatii vietii le-a avut asupra politicilor si strategiilor de marketing, mergandu-se de la orietarea spre productie, pana la noul concept de marketing relational.calitatea vietii, strategii de marketing, marketing relational, bunastare, quality of life, marketing strategies, relationship marketing, well-being

    Asocierea de imagine intre companie si sportiv – element de diferentiere in comunicarea de marketing

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    Teoria comunicarii spune ca, in ziua de astazi, la baza comportamentului consumatorului de produse si servicii stau motivele emotionale, acestea castigand teren in fata motivelor rationale. Se intalneste acest fenomen deoarece tehnologiile de realizare a produselor si de prestare a serviciilor au evoluat foarte mult, ducand la asemanarea produselor si serviciilor concurente. Pentru a castiga in fata concurentei o companie trebuie sa apeleze la afinitatea pe care consumatorii o au fata de marca sa sau la asocierea de imagine dintre produs si o personalitate din domeniul artistic, sportiv, educational, politic.brand awareness, sportsman image, sponsorship, endorsement, notorietate, imagine, sport, sponsorizare, sustinere

    Individualizarea marketingului sportiv in cadrul marketingului general

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    Ca orice domeniu nou aparut in tara noastra, si marketingul sportiv se cere a fi definit pentru a putea percepe, la adevarata sa valoare, importanta pe care o are in dezvoltarea economica (prin veniturile pe care le genereaza) si sociala (prin implicarea populatiei in activitatile sportive). Conceptualizarea acestui domeniu trebuie pornita de la cadrul general in care a aparut si s-a dezvoltat marketingul sportiv. Tinand cont de acest lucru, lucrare de fata isi propune sa dezbata diferitele puncte de vedere intalnite in teorie referitor la definitia si clasificarea marketingului sportiv.marketing sportiv, marketing pentru sport, marketing prin sport, sports marketing, outdoor marketing, marketing through sport

    Elemente de conceptualizare teoretica si practica a industriei sportive

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    Amploarea dezvoltarii marketingului sportiv duce la necesitatea cercetarii industriei sportive, pentru a cunoaste cat mai bine cadrul in care actioneaza compania si modul in care marketingul sportiv poate fi folosit pentru a adapta activitatea firmei la cerintele pietei. Literatura de specialitate propune o serie de conceptualizari ale industriei sportive, ce se regasesc, bineinteles si in practica. Pentru a putea face aceasta conceptualizare, se pleaca de la tipurile de activitati sportive desfasurate si de la categoriile de clienti carora se adreseaza aceste activitati. Trebuie avut in vedere faptul ca, in sport, produsele si serviciile au o serie de caracteristici specifice, acestea ducand la necesitatea implementarii unor strategii diferite, in functie de segmentele de clienti identificate.marketing sportiv, industria sportiva, segmentare, domenii operationale in sport, sports marketing, sporting industry, segmentation, outdoor operational domains